What does postmodern mean?

A helpful review for understanding cultural changes in our times.


We live in a postmodern world. Or, so we’re told. What does this mean? Postmodern is a word used to describe changes in way people think — especially the way they view truth and reality.

Understanding post-modernity requires a review of modernity and the pre-modern world. What are the main differences in these eras?

Pre-modern, modern, post-modern

The pre-modern era was one in which religion was the primary source for truth and reality. God’s existence and revelation from God were widely accepted in the pre-modern world.

In the modern era, science became the predominate source of truth and reality. Religion (and the morality based on it) were arbitrarily demoted to a subjective realm.

In the postmodern era, there is no specific defining source for truth and reality beyond individual preference.


In postmodernity, relativism and individualism are radicalized and applied to all spheres of knowledge — even science. Truth…

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