New Page for Church Members and Leaders

I often interact with pastors who feel overwhelmed and frustrated by the challenges of local Church ministry. Many of these leaders feel that their training did not adequately equip them with a strong Biblical vision for the Church. This is at the root of most of the problems in local churches. An inadequate ecclesiology (doctrine of the Church) inevitably makes leadership susceptible to insecurity and faulty understandings of ministry.

Leaders must teach a Biblical theology of Church starting with their leadership teams. I recommend that pastors offer annual instruction on God’s plan for the Church and require new members to take the course. When Church members are secure in understanding what Scripture teaches about the Church, they will be more flexible about changing methods for accomplishing ministry.

Under the title for my blog, I offer a number of pages for both information and quick resource. My newest addition is a page I’ve titled “Local Church Resources.” These articles are offered to encourage and strengthen Church leaders and members.

The greatest motivation for commitment to the Church is the truth that, “Christ loved the Church and gave himself up for her” (Ephesians 5:25).

Steve Cornell

About Wisdomforlife

Just another worker in God's field.
This entry was posted in Call to ministry, Church, Church growth, Church Leadership, Church membership, Ecclesiology 101, Elders, Leadership, Pastors. Bookmark the permalink.

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