I tried to look normal on the outside

I did not want to disappoint others, so I created a false image of myself. I would try to impress others by becoming just like them to feel accepted. If people were disappointed in me or did not like me, I would be very upset and try to win them over by doing anything to get their approval, even if it meant going against my values.


The story of my home life growing up seemed much like a fairy tale. I grew up in a loving and caring home, never lacking anything. I lived with a mother and a father who loved each other and made sure their children were provided for. I was a very happy child who enjoyed life.

I realized later that there were many insecurities and wrong mindsets that I was raised in that I had to break away from and learn how to conquer.

I especially had to conquer childhood fears. Being rejected and imperfect is my ultimate fear. I grew up with an unhealthy and unrealistic belief that I needed to be flawless to be loved.

I did not want to disappoint others, so I created a false image of myself. I would try to impress others by becoming just like them to feel accepted. If people were disappointed in…

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About Wisdomforlife

Just another worker in God's field.
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